HOMEWORK (or, as we prefer to say – self-guided learning’)

Either way, this is preparation for next time when we look at We Don’t Count & Difficult Conversations – the homework focuses on Difficult Conversations. The next session is just a 90 minute Zoom on 21st Nov, so please come prepared so that we can make best use of time.

Difficult Conversations – In our experience, people seem to struggle with the very notion of entering a conversation about sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In order to help you to help others, it’d be useful to start thinking about what the difficulties might be – please have a think – preferably send something to us before 17th November sal@lgbtsand.com.

We will also ask you if you are interested in working with us to develop a resource to help others to make these conversations easier in the future.


To Treat Me ...

Inclusion - what does it mean?

It’s useful to give this some consideration – the word ‘inclusion’ has become fairly common parlance and it got us thinking about what we mean. The ‘script’ is by no means definitive and you will have your own examples. It aims to give a general overview of the ways people may be and/or feel excluded, ‘not part of’, not included – and the impact that this is likely to have on people’s well-being.

For an overview it’s good to revisit ‘the boxes’ as this illustrates (in sharp relief) what it might mean – often people are trying to do their best to give everyone the same access and opportunities, but may not even be aware of the implications of certain actions, or non-actions.

Being ‘excluded’, being ‘not included’ and ‘being included’ are all different experiences which have a range of impacts on people and their well-being. It’s important to recognize that whether or not someone is ‘excluded’ or discriminated against deliberately, the effect can be exactly the same. It may not be intentional but can still invoke feelings. Those feelings may range from unease, humiliation, anger, feeling undermined, undervalued, less than, anxious, depressed.

The diagram below has a full ‘script’ to help you to talk through each block and what they mean.