Small Steps Big Difference 2024

This is the second conference celebrating how health, social care and related providers across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion. Last year was a huge success and we are planning this year to be celebratory of everyone’s work as well as a massive learning and sharing opportunity. We are broadening our audience to encourage more older and old LGBT+ people to come, as well as our funders and, of course our EMBRACE Covenantees. We would like to do this without charge and have managed to secure some funding towards this. This makes sponsorship extra important and even more valuable this year. Please contact

We are delighted to offer the following opportunities for sponsorship to support the event.

Level 1 

  • Banner at the front of the conference
  • Logo on promotional material
  • Logo on the programme
  • Name & Logo on Website

1 available


Level 2

  • Banner at the back or at the side of the room
  • Logo on promotional material
  • Logo on the programme
  • Name & Logo on Website

2 available


Level 3

  • Logo on the programme
  • Name & Logo on Website

1 available

1 taken by Wrekin Housing Group


Level 4

  • Name & Logo on Website

unlimited number available
