Title: Local Organisations Unite for Inclusive Ageing at “Small Steps Big Difference” Conference

Date: 7 December 2023

Main Text:

In a positive step towards fostering inclusivity and understanding, local organisations converged at the “Small Steps Big Difference” conference at Shrewsbury Town FC this past October, which was hosted by Safe Ageing No Discrimination (SAND). The event marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing five-year “EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion” project, which aims to improve the experiences of older and old lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) people accessing services in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

Organisations in the county that provide services to older and old people are invited to join SAND’s Covenant, an innovative programme which encourages its members to commit to a series of pledges and develop straightforward action plans to make their services more inclusive.

The conference featured insightful presentations about the work that Covenant organisations have been doing. There were also interactive workshops, in which participants engaged in thoughtful discussions on the challenges faced by older and old LGBT+ people and explored innovative solutions to create a more inclusive environment.

One of the conference’s noteworthy outcomes is the development of invaluable resources, which will include practical advice for smaller organisations and groups that aim to be more inclusive and plans to embed inclusive practice within the very fabric of our local area. Watch this space!

The success of the conference lies not only in the wealth of knowledge shared but also in the strengthened bonds among organisations seeking positive change. The shared commitment of organisations, both big and small, sends a powerful message — one that echoes our collective responsibility to ensure that ageing is a dignified and inclusive experience for everyone.

Call to Action: Watch the presentations, each around 7 minutes long, at www.lgbtsand.com/small-steps-big-difference or follow the QR code.

Footer: SAND (Safe Ageing No Discrimination) is a community organisation whose goal is to improve the experiences and increase the expectations of LGBT+ people as they age in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. Find out more at their website, lgbtsand.com. The Small Steps Big Difference conference was generously supported by Coverage Care, Cruse Bereavement Support and Wrekin Housing. The EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Media: Download ZIP containing images, QR code and logos (18 MB)

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