Advertising opportunities – Inclusion Matters

Following on from our recent SAND Matters booklet which was designed specifically to inform older and old LGBT+ people across the county about SAND’s work, SAND is now planning a sister booklet Inclusion Matters, which will contain information about all Covenant holders, their commitments and actions to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. This will primarily be an A5 digital publication, with a 1000 print run of hard copy.

Please contact with information about category (A,B,C or D), sector and invoicing
First come first served on all Categories

A Full page: 115mm x 175mm (portrait) – 1 out of 3 still available

  • £350 Public & Private sector
  • £200  VCS

B Back page: 115mm x 175mm (portrait) – 1 out of 1 still available

  • £500 Public & Private sector
  • £350 VCS

C Half page: 115mm x 85mm (landscape) – 3 out of 4 still available

  • £200 Public & Private sector
  • £100  VCS

D Quarter page: 55mm x 85mm (portrait) – 3 out of 4 still available.

  • £100 Public & Private sector
  • £  50 VCS