Dementia Equity and Rights

Publisher: AgeUK, et al Country: UK Pages: 56 (LGBT Chapter starts p45) This publication looks across all the protected characteristics and flags up issues where the risk and prevalence of dementia may vary for different groups and how access and provision of services must take into account the needs of particular groups. Minority groups often…

Hiding who I am

Subtitle: The reality of end of life care for LGBT people Publisher: Marie Curie Country: UK Pages: 44 Everyone should have the right to high-quality palliative care when they have a terminal illness, regardless of their condition, where they live, or their personal circumstances. The UK has been ranked as the best country in the…

Don’t look back?

Subtitle: Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users Publisher: Equality and Human Rights Commission Country: UK Pages: 36 Very little data exists that compares LGB and heterosexual populations. The evidence is even more limited for older LGB people. The existing evidence suggests that LGB people face many of the same issues…