Hiding who I am

Subtitle: The reality of end of life care for LGBT people Publisher: Marie Curie Country: UK Pages: 44 Everyone should have the right to high-quality palliative care when they have a terminal illness, regardless of their condition, where they live, or their personal circumstances. The UK has been ranked as the best country in the…

The Last Outing

Subtitle: Exploring end of life experiences and care needs in the lives of older LGBT people Publisher: University of Nottingham Country: UK Pages: 8 This (much larger) study was underway when SAND was doing our own small, qualitative research – both had very similar findings. The Last Outing Study Objectives:

Over the Rainbow

Subtitle: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People and Dementia Project Publisher: Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) Country: UK Pages: 30 The Over the Rainbow project was in partnership with the University of Worcester Association for Dementia Studies, Birmingham LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing and PACE Health London. We know that LGBT people with…

The Dementia Challenge for LGBT Communities

Subtitle: A paper based on a roundtable discussion Publisher: The National LGB&T Partnership, et al Country: UK Pages: 12 Dementia is at the top of the national agenda, as reflected in the National Dementia Strategy; by 2025, according to the Alzheimer’s Society, there will be an estimated 1 million people with dementia in the UK.…

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework

Subtitle: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Companion Document Publisher: National LGB&T Partnership Country: UK Pages: 30 The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework is an important means of measuring how well councils are providing support to the people that need it most. This companion document, produced by the National LGB&T Partnership in its role as a…

The route to success in end of life care

Subtitle: Achieving quality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people Publisher: NHS National End of Life Care Programme Country: UK Pages: 36 This practical implementation document aims to address end of life care needs in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people, in order to improve quality of care. It has been developed…

Don’t look back?

Subtitle: Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users Publisher: Equality and Human Rights Commission Country: UK Pages: 36 Very little data exists that compares LGB and heterosexual populations. The evidence is even more limited for older LGB people. The existing evidence suggests that LGB people face many of the same issues…

Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People in Later Life

Publisher: Stonewall Date: 2010 Country: UK Pages: 36 Old age can be a hugely exciting time for some but for others, both heterosexual and gay, it can be a time of anxiety and concern. This pioneering research examined the expectations that both heterosexual and gay people have about getting older and underlines how their experiences…