If you’re not counted, you don’t count: what can be done to tackle LGBTQ+ health inequalities?

Publication Date: 21/07/2021 Publisher: King’s Fund Country: UK Length: 34:37 People who identify as LGBTQ+ experience disproportionately worse health outcomes and have poorer experiences when accessing health services. Three years on from the Government’s LGBT action plan, Helen McKenna sat down with Dr Michael Brady, National Adviser for LGBT Health at NHS England, and Michelle…

Ensuring trans people in Wales receive dignified and inclusive health and social care in later life: The Trans Ageing and Care (TrAC) project, 2016-18

Publisher: University of Bristol Publication Date: March 2019 Country: Wales Pages: 4 Research with the following 3 aims:To identify the health and social care needs of trans people aged 50+ and their hopes, expectations and concerns about service provision in older age.To examine attitudes and perceptions of health and social care professionals towards older trans…

The bereavement experiences of LGBT people who have lost a partner

  Subtitle: A systematic review, thematic synthesis and modelling of the literature Date of Publication: September 2016 Country: UK Publisher: Palliative Medicine Pages: 15 Background: Socially excluded populations have poorer access to care; however, little attention has been paid to lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or trans* people. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or trans* people are at increased…