• Identify and implement a process to revise policies and procedures to be more inclusive of older and old LGBT+ people
  • Quantify how many of your staff will attend SAND LGBT+ awareness training.
  • Develop an internal LGBT+ staff network
  • Invite LGBT+ people in to share their thoughts about your services
  • Commission an in-house learning programme from SAND
  • Attend SAND webinars and share learning with the staff team
  • Review your website information and promotional materials and identify where work is needed
  • Monitor data, so you have a better understanding of who is using your service
  • Celebrate LGBT+ events within your workplace
  • Establish a specific service to reach out to and include LGBT+ people
  • Establish a named contact for LGBT+ people – so they can raise any issues they may have with your service
  • Be visual about your organisational position on equality, diversity and inclusion

Your action plan should be proportionate to the size and nature of your organisation. SAND will encourage you to think about what you hope to achieve from your planned actions and how you will keep track to find out if your group or organisation really is becoming more inclusive as the year progresses.